Publikationen (entstanden an der Universität Bayreuth - sortiert nach Art)
Artikel in einer Zeitschrift
Joseph A. Morton, Carlos Alberto Arnillas, Lori Biedermann, Elizabeth T. Borer, Lars A. Brudvig, Yvonne M. Buckley, Marc W. Cadotte, Kendi Davies, Ian Donohue, Anne Ebeling, Nico Eisenhauer, Catalina Estrada, Sylvia Haider, Yann Hautier, Anke Jentsch, Holly Martinson, Rebecca L. McCulley, Xavier Raynaud, Christiane Roscher, Eric W. Seabloom, Carly J. Stevens, Katerina Vesela, Alison Wallace, Ilia J. Leitch, Andrew R. Leitch, Erika I. Hersch-Green: Genome size influences plant growth and biodiversity responses to nutrient fertilization in diverse grassland communities. In: PLoS Biology, 22 (2024). - .
Alexandra Marques, Aletta Bonn, Antonio J. Castro, Abhishek Chaudhary, María R. Felipe-Lucia, Thomas Kastner, Thomas Koellner, Kira Lancker, Laura Lopez Hoffman, Carsten Meyer, Stephan Pfister, Gabriela Rabeschini, Louise Willemen, Catharina J. E. Schulp: The role of nature's contributions to people in sustaining international trade of agricultural products. In: People and Nature, 6 (2024). - S. 410-421.
Jakob Bogenreuther, Thomas Kastner, Felicitas Schneider, Thomas Koellner: Biodiversity impact of food waste : Quantification for supply chain stages and products in Germany. In: Journal of Industrial Ecology, 28 (2024). - S. 355-367.
Simon Tscholl, Sebastian Candiago, Thomas Marsoner, Helder Fraga, Carlo Giupponi, Lukas Egarter Vigl: Climate resilience of European wine regions. In: Nature Communications, 15 (2024). - .
Manuela Zindler, Maria Haensel, Ute Fricke, Thomas Michael Schmitt, Cynthia Tobisch, Thomas Koellner: Improving Agri-environmental Schemes : Suggestions from Farmers and Nature Managers in a Central European Region. In: Environmental Management, 73 (2024). - S. 826-840.
Steven Myburgh, Ervin Kosatica, Stephan Pfister, Meidad Kissinger, Dor Fridman, Thomas Koellner: An integrated biophysical-ecological assessment of embedded virtual water flows linked to Israel's consumption of agricultural crops. In: Science of the Total Environment, 955 (2024). - .
Lucrecia Lipoma, Stephan Kambach, Sandra Díaz, Francesco María Sabatini, Gabriella Damasceno, Jens Kattge, Christian Wirth, Scott R. Abella, Carl Beierkuhnlein, Travis R. Belote, Markus Bernhardt‐Römermann, Dylan Craven, Jiri Dolezal, Nico Eisenhauer, Forest Isbell, Anke Jentsch, Jürgen Kreyling, Vojtech Lanta, Soizig Le Stradic, Jan Lepš, Outi Manninen, Pierre Mariotte, Peter B. Reich, Jan C. Ruppert, Wolfgang Schmidt, David Tilman, Jasper van Ruijven, Cameron Wagg, David A. Wardle, Brien Wilsey, Helge Bruelheide: No general support for functional diversity enhancing resilience across terrestrial plant communities. In: Global Ecology and Biogeography, 33 (2024). - .
Sebastian Candiago, Simon Tscholl, Leonardo Bassani, Helder Fraga, Lukas Egarter Vigl: Quality wines in Italy and France : A dataset of protected designation of origin specifications. In: Data in Brief, 54 (2024). - .
Thomas Michael Schmitt, Maria Haensel, Andrea Kaim, Heera Lee, Sophie Reinermann, Thomas Koellner: Recreation and its synergies and trade‑offs with other ecosystem services of Alpine and pre‑Alpine grasslands. In: Regional Environmental Change, 24 (2024). - .
Jana Englmeier, Oliver Mitesser, M. Eric Benbow, Torsten Hothorn, Christian von Hoermann, Caryl Benjamin, Ute Fricke, Cristina Ganuza, Maria Haensel, Sarah Redlich, Rebekka Riebl, Sandra Rojas Botero, Thomas Rummler, Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter, Elisa Stengel, Cynthia Tobisch, Johannes Uhler, Lars Uphus, Jie Zhang, Jörg Müller: Diverse Effects of Climate, Land Use, and Insects on Dung and Carrion Decomposition. In: Ecosystems, 26 (2023). - S. 397-411.
Maria Haensel, Thomas Michael Schmitt, Jakob Bogenreuther: Teaching the Modeling of Human–Environment Systems : Acknowledging Complexity with an Agent-Based Model. In: Journal of Science Education and Technology, 32 (2023). - S. 256-266.
Theresa Landwehr, Rebekka Riebl, Maria Haensel, Thomas Michael Schmitt, Miriam Thiemann, Thomas Koellner: Climate change perceptions in Bavaria : Revealing the influence of socio-demographic and local environmental factors. In: GAiA, 32 (2023). - S. 312-321.
Jana Englmeier, Daniel Rieker, Oliver Mitesser, Caryl Benjamin, Ute Fricke, Cristina Ganuza, Maria Haensel, Harald Kellner, Janina Lorz, Sarah Redlich, Rebekka Riebl, Sandra Rojas-Botero, Thomas Rummler, Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter, Elisa Stengel, Cynthia Tobisch, Johannes Uhler, Lars Uphus, Jie Zhang, Jörg Müller, Claus Bässler: Diversity and specialization responses to climate and land use differ between deadwood fungi and bacteria. In: Ecography, 2023 (2023). - .
Georg Smolka, Ervin Kosatica, Markus Berger, Meidad Kissinger, Dor Fridman, Thomas Koellner: Domestic water versus imported virtual blue water for agricultural production : A comparison based on energy consumption and related greenhouse gas emissions. In: Journal of Industrial Ecology, 27 (2023). - S. 1123-1136.
Sara Atienza Casas, Camille Calicis, Sebastian Candiago, Nicolas Dendoncker, Jomme Desair, Thomas Fickel, Eirik Aasmo Finne, Christine Frison, Maria Haensel, Malte Hinsch, Tyler Kulfan, Joy A. Kumagai, Oleksandr Mialyk, Maximilian Nawrath, Fiona Nevzati, Carla Washbourne, Thea Wübbelmann: Head in the clouds, feet on the ground: how transdisciplinary learning can foster transformative change - insights from a summer school. In: Biodiversity and Conservation, 32 (2023). - S. 3533-3568.
Maria Haensel, Luzie Scheinpflug, Rebekka Riebl, Eva Julia Lohse, Norbert Röder, Thomas Koellner: Policy instruments and their success in preserving temperate grassland : Evidence from 16 years of implementation. In: Land Use Policy, 132 (2023). - .
Bhumika Uniyal, Ervin Kosatica, Thomas Koellner: Spatial and temporal variability of climate change impacts on ecosystem services in small agricultural catchments using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). In: Science of the Total Environment, 875 (2023). - .
Lisa Küchen, Thomas Michael Schmitt, Rebekka Riebl, Maria Haensel, Manuel Steinbauer, Ute Fricke, Sarah Redlich, Thomas Koellner: Where and why is landscape considered valuable? Societal actors' perceptions of ecosystem services across Bavaria (Germany). In: Ecosystems and People, 19 (2023). - .
Sarah Redlich, Jie Zhang, Caryl S. Benjamin, Maninder Singh Dhillon, Jana Englmeier, Jörg Ewald, Ute Fricke, Cristina Ganuza, Maria Haensel, Thomas Hovestadt, Johannes Kollmann, Thomas Koellner, Carina Kübert-Flock, Harald Kunstmann, Annette Menzel, Christoph Moning, Wibke Peters, Rebekka Riebl, Thomas Rummler, Sandra Rojas-Botero, Cynthia Tobisch, Johannes Uhler, Lars Uphus, Jörg Müller, Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter: Disentangling effects of climate and land use on biodiversity and ecosystem services : A multi-scale experimental design. In: Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 13 (2022). - S. 514-527.
Jana Englmeier, Christian von Hoermann, Daniel Rieker, Marc Eric Benbow, Caryl Benjamiin, Ute Fricke, Cristina Ganuza, Maria Haensel, Tomáš Lackner, Oliver Mitesser, Sarah Redlich, Rebekka Riebl, Sandra Rojas-Botero, Thomas Rummler, Jörg-Alfred Salamon, David Sommer, Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter, Cynthia Tobisch, Johannes Uhler, Lars Uphus, Jie Zhang, Jörg Müller: Dung-visiting beetle diversity is mainly affected by land use, while community specialization is driven by climate. In: Ecology and Evolution, 12 (2022). - .
Swantje Gebhardt, Maria Haensel, Catharina J. E. Schulp, Andrea Kaim: Ecologically and biophysically optimal allocation of expanded soy production in Bavaria, Germany. In: Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6 (2022). - .
Cristina Ganuza, Sarah Redlich, Johannes Uhler, Cynthia Tobisch, Sandra Rojas-Botero, Marcell K. Peters, Jie Zhang, Caryl S. Benjamin, Jana Englmeier, Jörg Ewald, Ute Fricke, Maria Haensel, Johannes Kollmann, Rebekka Riebl, Lars Uphus, Jörg Müller, Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter: Interactive effects of climate and land use on pollinator diversity differ among taxa and scales. In: Science Advances, 8 (2022). - .
Ute Fricke, Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter, Jie Zhang, Cynthia Tobisch, Sandra Rojas-Botero, Caryl S. Benjamin, Jana Englmeier, Cristina Ganuza, Maria Haensel, Rebekka Riebl, Johannes Uhler, Lars Uphus, Jörg Ewald, Johannes Kollmann, Sarah Redlich: Landscape diversity and local temperature, but not climate, affect arthropod redation among habitat types. In: PLoS One, 17 (2022). - .
Miriam Thiemann, Rebekka Riebl, Maria Haensel, Thomas Michael Schmitt, Manuel Steinbauer, Theresa Landwehr, Ute Fricke, Sarah Redlich, Thomas Koellner: Perceptions of ecosystem services : Comparing socio-cultural and environmental influences. In: PLoS One, 17 (2022). - S. e0276432.
Thomas Michael Schmitt, Rebekka Riebl, Berta Martín-López, Maria Haensel, Thomas Koellner: Plural valuation in space : mapping values of grasslands and their ecosystem services. In: Ecosystems and People, 18 (2022). - S. 258-274.
David R. Piatka, Jason J. Venkiteswaran, Bhumika Uniyal, Robin Kaule, Benjamin Silas Gilfedder, Johannes A. C. Barth: Dissolved oxygen isotope modelling refines metabolic state estimates of stream ecosystems with different land use background. In: Scientific Reports, 12 (2022). - .
Caryl S. Benjamin, Lars Uphus, Marvin Lüpke, Sandra Rojas-Botero, Maninder Singh Dhillon, Jana Englmeier, Ute Fricke, Cristina Ganuza, Maria Haensel, Sarah Redlich, Rebekka Riebl, Cynthia Tobisch, Johannes Uhler, Jie Zhang, Annette Menzel, Wibke Peters: Modelling the Relative Abundance of Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) along a Climate and Land-Use Gradient. In: Animals, 12 (2022). - .
Andreas von Heßberg, Anke Jentsch, Bernd Berauer, Jörg Ewald, Sarah Fütterer, Armin Görgen, Stefan Kluth, Alexander Krämer, Thomas Koellner, Marit Scharmann, Michael Schloter, Thomas Michael Schmitt, Michael Schödl, Max A. Schuchardt, Anne Schucknecht, Siegfried Steinberger, Alix Vidal, Johannes Voith, Martin Wiesmeier, Michael Dannenmann: Almen in Zeiten des Klimawandels : Schutz der Artenvielfalt durch (Wieder-) Beweidung? Die Fallstudie Brunnenkopfalm im Ammergebirge. In: Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung, 53 (2021). - S. 28-36.
Andrea Kaim, Bartosz Bartkowski, Nele Lienhoop, Christoph Schröter-Schlaack, Martin Volk, Michael Strauch: Combining biophysical optimization with economic preference analysis for agricultural land-use allocation. In: Ecology and Society, 26 (2021). - .
Thomas Michael Schmitt, Berta Martín-López, Andrea Kaim, Andrea Früh-Müller, Thomas Koellner: Ecosystem services from (pre-)Alpine grasslands : Matches and mismatches between citizens’ perceived suitability and farmers’ management considerations. In: Ecosystem Services, 49 (2021). - .
Dor Fridman, Thomas Koellner, Meidad Kissinger: Exploring global interregional food system's sustainability using the functional regions typology. In: Global Environmental Change, 68 (2021). - .
Farina Hoffmann, Thomas Koellner, Thomas Kastner: The micronutrient content of the European Union's agricultural trade. In: Ecological Economics, 188 (2021). - .
Johannes Uhler, Sarah Redlich, Jie Zhang, Torsten Hothorn, Cynthia Tobisch, Jörg Ewald, Simon Thorn, Sebastian Seibold, Oliver Mitesser, Jérôme Morinière, Vedran Bozicevic, Caryl S. Benjamin, Jana Englmeier, Ute Fricke, Cristina Ganuza, Maria Haensel, Rebekka Riebl, Sandra Rojas-Botero, Thomas Rummler, Lars Uphus, Stefan Schmidt, Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter, Jörg Müller: Relationship of insect biomass and richness with land use along a climate gradient. In: Nature Communications, 12 (2021). - .
Hanna Hartmann, Maria Haensel, Rebekka Riebl, Eva Julia Lohse, Thomas Koellner: Volksbegehren Artenvielfalt : Gesetzesänderungen können auch Ökosystemdienstleistungen in Bayerns Agrarlandschaften stärken. In: GAiA, 30 (2021). - S. 106-113.
Bartosz Bartkowski, Michael Beckmann, Martin Drechsler, Andrea Kaim, Veronika Liebelt, Birgit Müller, Felix Witing, Michael Strauch: Aligning Agent-Based Modeling With Multi-Objective Land-Use Allocation : Identification of Policy Gaps and Feasible Pathways to Biophysically Optimal Landscapes. In: Frontiers in Environmental Science, 8 (2020). - .
Yrneh Ulloa-Torrealba, Reinhold Stahlmann, Martin Wegmann, Thomas Koellner: Over 150 Years of Change : Object-Oriented Analysis of Historical Land Cover in the Main River Catchment, Bavaria/Germany. In: Remote Sensing, 12 (2020). - .
Janina Kleemann, Matthias Schröter, Kenneth J. Bagstad, Christian Kuhlicke, Thomas Kastner, Dor Fridman, Catharina J. E. Schulp, Sarah Wolff, Javier Martínez-López, Thomas Koellner, Sebastian Arnhold, Berta Martín-López, Alexandra Marques, Laura Lopez-Hoffmann, Jianguo Liu, Meidad Kissinger, Carlos A. Guerra, Aletta Bonn: Quantifying interregional flows of multiple ecosystem services : A case study for Germany. In: Global Environmental Change, 61 (2020). - .
Andrea Kaim, Michael Strauch, Martin Volk: Using Stakeholder Preferences to Identify Optimal Land Use Configurations. In: Frontiers in Water, 2 (2020). - .
Diana M. Hackenburg, Alison Adams, Katherine Brownson, Israel T. Borokini, Tatiana M. Gladkikh, Shannon C. Herd-Hoare, Helina Jolly, Andrew N. Kadykalo, Erika B. Kraus, Kelsey McDonough, Josua W. Morse, Saroop S. Sandhu, Navchaa Tugjamba, Améline Vallet: Meaningfully engaging the next generation of ecosystem services specialists. In: Ecosystem Services, 40 (2019). - .
Thomas Koellner, Aletta Bonn, Sebastian Arnhold, Kenneth J. Bagstad, Dor Fridman, Carlos A. Guerra, Thomas Kastner, Meidad Kissinger, Janina Kleemann, Christian Kuhlicke, Jianguo Liu, Laura López-Hoffman, Alexandra Marques, Berta Martín-López, Catharina J. E. Schulp, Sarah Wolff, Matthias Schröter: Guidance for assessing interregional ecosystem service flows. In: Ecological Indicators, 105 (2019). - S. 92-106.
Ilkwon Kim, Sebastian Arnhold, Sora Ahn, Quang Le Bao, Seong Joon Kim, Soo Jin Park, Thomas Koellner: Land use change and ecosystem services in mountainous watersheds : predicting the consequences of environmental policies with cellular automata and hydrological modeling. In: Environmental Modelling & Software, 122 (2019). - .
Heera Lee, Bumsuk Seo, Thomas Koellner, Sven Lautenbach: Mapping cultural ecosystem services 2.0 : Potential and shortcomings from unlabeled crowd sourced images. In: Ecological Indicators, 96 (2019). - S. 505-515.
Andrea Früh-Müller, Martin Bach, Lutz Breuer, Stefan Hotes, Thomas Koellner, Christian Krippes, Volkmar Wolters: The use of agri-environmental measures to address environmental pressures in Germany : Spatial mismatches and options for improvement. In: Land Use Policy, 84 (2019). - S. 347-362.
Katharina Helming, Katrin Daedlow, Bernd Hansjürgens, Thomas Koellner: Assessment and Governance of Sustainable Soil Management. In: Sustainability, 10 (2018). - .
Robert Weigel, Thomas Koellner, Patrick Poppenborg, Christina Bogner: Crop diversity and stability of revenue on farms in Central Europe : an analysis of big data from a comprehensive agricultural census in Bavaria. In: PLoS One, 13 (2018). - .
Saem Lee, Hyun No Kim, Trung Thanh Nguyen, Thomas Koellner, Hio-Jung Shin: Farmers' and Consumers' Preferences for Drinking Water Quality Improvement through Land Management Practices : The Case Study of the Soyang Watershed in South Korea. In: Sustainability, 10 (2018). - .
Thomas Koellner, Matthias Schröter, Catharina J. E. Schulp, Peter H. Verburg: Global flows of ecosystem services. In: Ecosystem Services, 31, Part B (2018). - S. 229-230.
Matthias Schröter, Thomas Koellner, Rob Alkemade, Sebastian Arnhold, Kenneth J. Bagstad, Karl-Heinz Erb, Karin Frank, Thomas Kastner, Meidad Kissinger, Jianguo Liu, Laura López-Hoffman, Joachim Maes, Alexandra Marques, Berta Martín-López, Carsten Meyer, Catharina J. E. Schulp, Jule Thober, Sarah Wolff, Aletta Bonn: Interregional flows of ecosystem services : Concepts, typology and four cases. In: Ecosystem Services, 31, Part B (2018). - S. 231-241.
Heera Lee, Bumsuk Seo, Thomas Koellner, Sven Lautenbach: Mapping cultural ecosystem services 2.0 : Potential and shortcomings from unlabeled crowd sourced images. In: Ecological Indicators, 96 (2018). - S. 505-515.
Ilkwon Kim, Sebastian Arnhold: Mapping environmental land use conflict potentials and ecosystem services in agricultural watersheds. In: Science of the Total Environment, 630 (2018). - S. 827-838.
Andrea Früh-Müller, Christian Krippes, Stefan Hotes, Lutz Breuer, Thomas Koellner, Volkmar Wolters: Spatial correlation of agri-environmental measures with high levels of ecosystem services. In: Ecological Indicators, 84 (2018). - S. 364-370.
Thomas Koellner, Anna-Maria Stefan, Heinrich Amadeus Wolff: Zur Einführung des Begriffs der Ökosystemdienstleistung in das Bundesnaturschutzgesetz. In: Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht, 29 (2018). - S. 387-392.
Kwanghun Choi, Sebastian Arnhold, Bernd Huwe, Björn Reineking: Daily Based Morgan–Morgan–Finney (DMMF) Model : A Spatially Distributed Conceptual Soil Erosion Model to Simulate Complex Soil Surface Configurations. In: Water, 9 (2017). - .
Saem Lee, Trung Thanh Nguyen, Hyun No Kim, Thomas Koellner, Hio-Jung Shin: Do Consumers of Environmentally Friendly Farming Products in Downstream Areas Have a WTP for Water Quality Protection in Upstream Areas?. In: Water, 9 (2017). - .
Ulrich Kreidenweis, Sven Lautenbach, Thomas Koellner: Regional or global? The question of low-emission food sourcing addressed with spatial optimization modelling. In: Environmental Modelling & Software, 82 (2016). - S. 128-141.
Andrea Früh-Müller, Stefan Hotes, Lutz Breuer, Volkmar Wolters, Thomas Koellner: Regional Patterns of Ecosystem Services in Cultural Landscapes. In: Land, 5 (2016). - .
Christian Albert, Aletta Bonn, Benjamin Burkhard, Sabrina Daube, Katharina Dietrich, Barbara Engels, Jakob Frommer, Martin Götzl, Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, Beate Job-Hoben, Thomas Koellner, Stefan Marzelli, Christoph Moning, Felix Müller, Sven-Erik Rabe, Irene Ring, Elisabeth Schwaiger, Burkhard Schweppe-Kraft, Henry Wüstemann: Towards a national set of ecosystem service indicators : Insights from Germany. In: Ecological Indicators, 61 (2016). - S. 38-48.
Michaela Deininger, Thomas Koellner, Thomas Brey, Katharina Teschke: Towards mapping and assessing antarctic marine ecosystem services : The weddell sea case study. In: Ecosystem Services, 22, Part A (2016). - S. 174-192.
Ganga Ram Maharjan, Marianne Ruidisch, Christopher L. Shope, Kwanghun Choi, Bernd Huwe, Seong Joon Kim, John Tenhunen, Sebastian Arnhold: Assessing the effectiveness of split fertilization and cover crop cultivation in order to conserve soil and water resources and improve crop productivity. In: Agricultural Water Management, 163 (2016). - S. 305-318.
Saem Lee, Trung Thanh Nguyen, Patrick Poppenborg, Hio-Jung Shin, Thomas Koellner: Conventional, Partially Converted and Environmentally Friendly Farming in South Korea : Profitability and Factors Affecting Farmers’ Choice. In: Sustainability, 8 (2016). - .
Heera Lee, Christina Bogner, Saem Lee, Thomas Koellner: Crop selection under price and yield fluctuation : analysis of agro-economic time series from South Korea. In: Agricultural Systems, 148 (2016). - S. 1-11.
Bunafsha Mislimshoeva, Peter Herbst, Thomas Koellner: Current pathways towards good forest governance for ecosystem services in the former Soviet republic Tajikistan. In: Forest Policy and Economics, 63 (2016). - S. 11-19.
Paul Schumacher, Bunafsha Mislimshoeva, Alexander Brenning, Harald Zandler, Martin Brandt, Cyrus Samimi, Thomas Koellner: Do Red Edge and Texture Attributes from High-Resolution Satellite Data Improve Wood Volume Estimation in a Semi-Arid Mountainous Region?. In: Remote Sensing, 8 (2016). - .
Bumsuk Seo, Christina Bogner, Thomas Koellner, Björn Reineking: Mapping Fractional Land Use and Land Cover in a Monsoon Region : The Effects of Data Processing Options. In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9 (2016). - S. 3941-3956.
Sven-Erik Rabe, Thomas Koellner, Stefan Marzelli, Paul Schumacher, Adrienne Grêt-Regamey: National ecosystem services mapping at multiple scales : The German exemplar. In: Ecological Indicators, 70 (2016). - S. 357-372.
Michael Curran, Boniface Kiteme, Tobias Wünscher, Thomas Koellner, Stefanie Hellweg: Pay the farmer, or buy the land? Cost-effectiveness of payments for ecosystem services versus land purchases or easements in Central Kenya. In: Ecological Economics, 127 (2016). - S. 59-67.
Yohannes Ayanu, Christopher Conrad, Anke Jentsch, Thomas Koellner: Correction to "Unveiling undercover cropland inside forests using landscape variables : a supplement to remote sensing image classification" [PLoS One Bd. 10 (2015) 6, e0130079]. In: PLoS One, 10 (2015). - .
Yohannes Ayanu, Anke Jentsch, Detlef Müller-Mahn, Simone Rettberg, Clemens Romankiewicz, Thomas Koellner: Ecosystem engineer unleashed : Prosopis juliflora threatening ecosystem services?. In: Regional Environmental Change, 15 (2015). - S. 155-167.
Andrea J. Früh, Martin Wegmann, Thomas Koellner: Flood exposure and settlement expansion since pre-industrial times in 1850 until 2011 in north Bavaria, Germany. In: Regional Environmental Change, 15 (2015). - S. 183-193.
Laura de Baan, Michael Curran, Carlo Rondinini, Piero Visconti, Stefanie Hellweg, Thomas Koellner: High-Resolution Assessment of Land Use Impacts on Biodiversity in Life Cycle Assessment Using Species Habitat Suitability Models. In: Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (2015). - S. 2237-2244.
Cornelius Jopke, Jürgen Kreyling, Joachim Maes, Thomas Koellner: Interactions among ecosystem services across Europe : bagplots and cumulative correlation coefficients reveal synergies, trade-offs, and regional patterns. In: Ecological Indicators, 49 (2015). - S. 46-52.
Dennis Ochuodho Otieno, Joseph O. Ondier, Sebastian Arnhold, Daniel Osieko Okach, Marianne Ruidisch, Bora Lee, Andreas Kolb, John C. Onyango, Bernd Huwe: Patterns of CO₂ exchange and productivity of the herbaceous vegetation and trees in a humid savanna in western Kenya. In: Plant Ecology, 216 (2015). - S. 1441-1456.
Sadroddin Alavipanah, Martin Wegmann, Salman Qureshi, Qihao Weng, Thomas Koellner: The Role of Vegetation in Mitigating Urban Land Surface Temperatures : A Case Study of Munich, Germany during the Warm Season. In: Sustainability, 7 (2015). - S. 4689-4706.
Sebastian Arnhold, Dennis Ochuodho Otieno, John C. Onyango, Thomas Koellner, Bernd Huwe, John Tenhunen: Soil properties along a gradient from hillslopes to the savanna plains in the Lambwe Valley, Kenya. In: Soil & Tillage Research, 154 (2015). - S. 75-83.
Yohannes Ayanu, Christopher Conrad, Anke Jentsch, Thomas Koellner: Unveiling undercover cropland inside forests using landscape variables: a supplement to remote sensing image classification. In: PLoS One, 10 (2015). - .
Gisele G. Alarcon, Yohannes Ayanu, Alfredo C. Fantini, Joshua Farley, Abdon Schmitt Filho, Thomas Koellner: Weakening the Brazilian legislation for forest conservation has severe impacts for ecosystem services in the Atlantic Southern Forest. In: Land Use Policy, 47 (2015). - S. 1-11.
Francesca Verones, Mark A. J. Huijbregts, Abhishek Chaudhary, Laura de Baan, Thomas Koellner, Stefanie Hellweg: Harmonizing the Assessment of Biodiversity Effects from Land and Water Use within LCA. In: Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (2015). - S. 3584-3592.
Patrick Poppenborg, Thomas Koellner: A Bayesian network approach to model farmers' crop choice using socio-psychological measurements of expected benefits of ecosystem services. In: Environmental Modelling & Software, 57 (2014). - S. 227-234.
Carina Müller, Laura de Baan, Thomas Koellner: Comparing direct land use impacts on biodiversity of conventional and organic milk : based on a Swedish case study. In: The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 19 (2014). - S. 52-68.
Sebastian Arnhold, Steve Lindner, Bora Lee, Emily Martin, Janine Kettering, Trung Thanh Nguyen, Thomas Koellner, Yong Sik Ok, Bernd Huwe: Conventional and organic farming: Soil erosion and conservation potential for row crop cultivation. In: Geoderma, 219-220 (2014). - S. 89-105.
Ilkwon Kim, Quang Le Bao, Soo Jin Park, John Tenhunen, Thomas Koellner: Driving forces in archetypical land-use changes in a mountainous watershed in East Asia. In: Land, 3 (2014). - S. 957-980.
Trung Thanh Nguyen, Thomas Koellner, Quang Le Bao, Cosmas Dayak Kombat Lambini, Ikchang Choi, Hio-Jung Shin, Van Dien Pham: An economic analysis of reforestation with a native tree species: the case of Vietnamese farmers. In: Biodiversity and Conservation, 23 (2014). - S. 811-830.
Stefan Marzelli, Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, Christoph Moning, Sven-Erik Rabe, Thomas Koellner, Sabrina Daube: Die Erfassung von Ökosystemleistungen : Erste Schritte für eine Nutzung des Konzepts auf nationaler Ebene für Deutschland. In: Natur und Landschaft, 89 (2014). - S. 66-73.
Bunafsha Mislimshoeva, Robert Hable, Manuchehr Fezakov, Cyrus Samimi, Abdulnazar Abdulnazarov, Thomas Koellner: Factors influencing households' firewood consumption in the Western Pamirs, Tajikistan. In: Mountain Research and Development, 34 (2014). - S. 147-156.
Christoph Schröter-Schlaack, Irene Ring, Thomas Koellner, Rui Santos, Paula Antunes, Pedro Clemente, Raphael Mathevet, Maud Borie, Malgorzata Grodzinska-Jurczak: Intergovernmental fiscal transfers to support local conservation action in Europe. In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, 58 (2014). - S. 98-114.
Enrico Celio, Thomas Koellner, Adrienne Grêt-Regamey: Modelling land use decisions with Bayesian networks : spatially explicit analysis of driving forces on land use change. In: Environmental Modelling & Software, 52 (2014). - S. 222-233.
Trung Thanh Nguyen, Marianne Ruidisch, Thomas Koellner, John Tenhunen: Synergies and tradeoffs between nitrate leaching and net farm income : The case of nitrogen best management practices in South Korea. In: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 186 (2014). - S. 160-169.
Christopher L. Shope, Ganga Ram Maharjan, John Tenhunen, Bumsuk Seo, Kyongha Kim, J. Riley, Sebastian Arnhold, Thomas Koellner, Yong Sik Ok, Stefan Peiffer, Bomchul Kim, Ji-Hyung Park, Bernd Huwe: Using the SWAT model to improve process descriptions and define hydrologic partitioning in South Korea. In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18 (2014). - S. 539-557.
Marleen de Blécourt, Maria Haensel, Rainer Brumme, Marife D. Corre, Edzo Veldkamp: Soil redistribution by terracing alleviates soil organic carbon losses caused by forest conversion to rubber plantation. In: Forest Ecology and Management, 313 (2014). - S. 26-33.
Bunafsha Mislimshoeva, Cyrus Samimi, Joachim-F. Kirchhoff, Thomas Koellner: Analysis of costs and people's willingness to enroll in forest rehabilitation in Gorno Badakhshan, Tajikistan. In: Forest Policy and Economics, 37 (2013). - S. 75-83.
Patrick Poppenborg, Thomas Koellner: Do attitudes toward ecosystem services determine agricultural land use practices? An analysis of farmers’ decision-making in a South Korean watershed. In: Land Use Policy, 31 (2013). - S. 422-429.
Thomas Koellner, Roland Geyer: Global land use assessment on biodiversity and ecosystem services in LCA. In: The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 18 (2013). - S. 1185-1187.
Christopher L. Shope, Ganga Ram Maharjan, John Tenhunen, Bumsuk Seo, Ki-Sung Kim, J. Riley, Sebastian Arnhold, Thomas Koellner, Yong Sik Ok, Stefan Peiffer, Bomchul Kim, Ji-Hyung Park, Bernd Huwe: An interdisciplinary SWAT ecohydrological model to define catchment-scale hydrologic partitioning. In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 10 (2013). - S. 7235-7290.
Danielle Maia de Souza, Dan F. B. Flynn, Fabrice DeClerck, Ralph K. Rosenbaum, Henrique de Melo Lisboa, Thomas Koellner: Land use impacts on biodiversity in LCA : proposal of characterization factors based on functional diversity. In: The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 18 (2013). - S. 1231-1242.
Laura de Baan, Rob Alkemade, Thomas Koellner: Land use impacts on biodiversity in LCA: a global approach. In: The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 18 (2013). - S. 1216-1230.
Rosie Saad, Thomas Koellner, Manuele Margni: Land use impacts on freshwater regulation, erosion regulation, and water purification : a spatial approach for a global scale level. In: The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 18 (2013). - S. 1253-1264.
Laura de Baan, Christopher L. Mutel, Michael Curran, Stefanie Hellweg, Thomas Koellner: Land use in Life Cycle Assessment : Global characterization factors based on regional and global potential species extinction. In: Environmental Science & Technology, 47 (2013). - S. 9281-9290.
Thomas Koellner, Laura de Baan, Tabea Beck, Miguel Brandão, Barbara Civit, Mark Goedkoop, Manuele Margni, Llorenç Milà i Canals, Ruedi Müller-Wenk, Bo Weidema, Bastian Wittstock: Principles for Life Cycle Inventories of land use on a global scale. In: The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 18 (2013). - S. 1203-1215.
Lian Pin Koh, Thomas Koellner, Jaboury Ghazoul: Transformative optimisation of agricultural land use to meet future food demands. In: PeerJ, 1 (2013). - .
Thomas Koellner, Laura de Baan, Tabea Beck, Miguel Brandão, Barbara Civit, Manuele Margni, Llorenç Milà i Canals, Rosie Saad, Danielle Maia de Souza, Ruedi Müller-Wenk: UNEP-SETAC guideline on global land use impact assessment on biodiversity and ecosystem services in LCA. In: The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 18 (2013). - S. 1188-1202.
Christopher L. Shope, Svenja Bartsch, Kiyong Kim, Bomchul Kim, John Tenhunen, Stefan Peiffer, Ji-Hyung Park, Yong Sik Ok, Jan Fleckenstein, Thomas Koellner: A weighted, multi-method approach for accurate basin-wide streamflow estimation in an ungauged watershed. In: Journal of Hydrology, 494 (2013). - S. 72-82.
Benis N. Egoh, Patrick J. O'Farrell, Aymen Charef, Leigh J. Gurney, Thomas Koellner, Henry N. Abi, Mody Egoh, Louise Willemen: An African account of ecosystem service provision : use, threats and policy options for sustainable livelihoods. In: Ecosystem Services, 2 (2012). - S. 71-81.
Yohannes Ayanu, Christopher Conrad, Thomas Nauss, Martin Wegmann, Thomas Koellner: Quantifying and mapping ecosystem services supplies and demands : A review of remote sensing applications.. In: Environmental Science & Technology, 46 (2012). - S. 8529-8541.
Jana Edlinger, Christopher Conrad, John P. A. Lamers, Gulchekhra Khasankhanova, Thomas Koellner: Reconstructing the Spatio-Temporal Development of Irrigation Systems in Uzbekistan Using Landsat Time Series. In: Remote Sensing, 4 (2012). - S. 3972-3994.
Rosie Saad, Manuele Margni, Thomas Koellner, Bastian Wittstock, Louise Deschênes: Assessment of land use impacts on soil ecological functions : development of spatially differentiated characterization factors within a Canadian context. In: The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 16 (2011). - S. 198-211.
Yohannes Ayanu, Trung Thanh Nguyen, Carsten Marohn, Thomas Koellner: Crop production versus surface-water regulation: assessing tradeoffs for land-use scenarios in the Tat Hamlet Watershed, Vietnam. In: International Journal of Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services & Management, 7 (2011). - S. 231-244.
Ivo Mulder, Thomas Koellner: Hardwiring green – How banks account for biodiversity risks and opportunities. In: Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 1 (2011). - S. 103-120.
Michael Curran, Laura de Baan, An M. de Schryver, Rosalie van Zelm, Stefanie Hellweg, Thomas Koellner, Guido Sonnemann, Mark A. J. Huijbregts: Toward meaningful endpoints of biodiversity in Life Cycle Assessment. In: Environmental Science & Technology, 45 (2011). - S. 70-79.
Raffaele Vignola, Thomas Koellner, Roland W. Scholz, Tim L. McDaniels: Decision-making by farmers regarding ecosystem services : factors affecting soil conservation efforts in Costa Rica. In: Land Use Policy, 27 (2010). - S. 1132-1142.
Thomas Koellner, Joachim Sell, Guillermo Navarro: Why and how much are firms willing to invest in ecosystem services from tropical forests? A comparison of international and Costa Rican firms. In: Ecological Economics, 69 (2010). - S. 2127-2139.
Stefan Marzelli, Christoph Moning, Sabrina Daube, Monika Offenberger, Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, Sven-Erik Rabe, Thomas Koellner, Patrick Poppenborg, Bernd Hansjürgens, Irene Ring, Christoph Schröter-Schlaack, Burkhard Schweppe-Kraft, Sonja Macke: Der Wert der Natur für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft : eine Einführung ; ein Beitrag Deutschlands zum internationalen TEEB-Prozess. - München : ifuplan, 2012. - 90 S.
Ecosystem Services and Global Trade of Natural Resources : Ecology, Economics and Policies. - Thomas Koellner (Hrsg.). - London : Routledge, 2011. - XIX, 286 S.
Aufsatz in einem Buch
Matthew D. Potts, Timothy G. Holland, Barend F. N. Erasmu, Sebastian Arnhold, Simone Athayde, Colin J. Carlson, Maria Siobhan Fennessy, Eliška Krkoška Lorencová, Peter Elias, Andrew Lowe, Sandra Verónica Acebey Quiroga, Chuluun Togtokh: Chapter 5: Land degradation and restoration associated with changes in ecosystem services and functions, and human well -being and good quality of life. In: L. Montanarella, R. Scholes, A. Brainich (Hrsg.): The IPBES assessment report on land degradation and restoration. - Bonn : 2018. - S. 496-628.
Thomas Koellner, Manel van der Sleen: Ecosystem Impacts of Virtual Land Use Embodied in Traded Goods and Services. In: Thomas Koellner (Hrsg.): Ecosystem Services and Global Trade of Natural Resources : Ecology, Economics and Policies. - London : Routledge, 2011. - S. 83-105.
Thomas Koellner, Stephan Pfister, Annette Koehler: Life Cycle Assessment and Ecosystem Services. In: Thomas Koellner (Hrsg.): Ecosystem Services and Global Trade of Natural Resources : Ecology, Economics and Policies. - London : Routledge, 2011. - S. 151-171.
Roger Adams, Wim Bartels, Michael Curran, Jas Ellis, John Finisdore, Sean Gilbert, Stefanie Hellweg, Joël Houdet, Thomas Koellner, Tim Ogier, Jerome Payet, Fulai Sheng, James Spurgeon: Measuring and reporting biodiversity and ecosystem impacts and dependence. In: Bishop, Joshua (Hrsg.): The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Business and Enterprise. - London : Earthscan, 2011.
Thomas Koellner: Supply and Demand for Ecosystem Services in Mountainous Regions. In: Axel Borsdorf, Reinhard Lackner, Helga Van Miegroet, Robert Jandl, Roland Psenner (Hrsg.): Global Change and Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions : COST Strategic Workshop. - Innsbruck : Innsbruck University Press, 2009. - S. 61-70.
Thomas Michael Schmitt:(Pre-)Alpine Grasslands & People : Perceptions of Ecosystem Services, Values, and Spatial Distribution. - Bayreuth: 2025. - X, 132 S.
(Dissertation, 2025, Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuther Graduiertenschule für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften - BayNAT)
Saem Lee:Estimation of the economic trade-offs between farmers and consumers for water quality improvement in Soyang watershed, South Korea. - Bayreuth: 2018. - XIX, 179 S.
(Dissertation, 2018, Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuther Graduiertenschule für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften - BayNAT)
Ilkwon Kim:Development of integrated modeling framework of land use changes and ecosystem services in mountainous watersheds. - Bayreuth: 2017. - XVII, 146 S.
(Dissertation, 2017, Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuther Graduiertenschule für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften - BayNAT)
Bunafsha Mislimshoeva:Forest ecosystem services governance, supply and demand in Tajikistan. - Bayreuth: 2016. - XXIV, 124 S.
(Dissertation, 2016, Universität Bayreuth, Graduiertenschule für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften - BayNAT)
Yohannes Ayanu:Remote sensing-based analysis of land cover detrimental for ecosystem services in fragile lands of Ethiopia. - Bayreuth: 2015. - VII, 164 S.
(Dissertation, 2015, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften)
Patrick Poppenborg:The Impact of Socio-Economic Land Use Decisions on the Provision of Ecosystem Services. - Bayreuth: 2014. - XVII, 100 S.
(Dissertation, 2014, Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuther Graduiertenschule für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften - BayNAT)
Trung Thanh Nguyen: Gains and Losses in Ecosystem Services : Trade-off and Efficiency Perspectives. - Bayreuth, 2015. 48 S.
(, 2015, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften)