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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences

Professorship of Ecological Services (PES) – Prof. Dr. Thomas Koellner

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Archived Thesis

PhD theses (main supervision)

  • 2023 Thomas Schmitt, UBT, (Pre-)Alpine Grasslands and People: Perceptions of Ecosystem Services, Values, and Spatial Distribution

  • 2018 Saem Lee, UBT, Comparative economic analysis of environmentally friendly agriculture and conventional agriculture in Soyang watershed of South Korea. Project: TERRECO, DFG

  • 2017 Il Kwon Kim, UBT, Agent based modeling of land use decision for ecosystem services. Project: TERRECO, DFG

  • 2016 Bunafsha Mislimshoeva, UBT, Forst Ecosystem services governance, supply and demand in Tajikistan. DAAD/University of Central Asia

  • 2015 Yohannes Zergaw Ayanu, UBT, Remote sensing-based analysis of land cover detrimental for ecosystem services in fragile lands of Ethiopia

  • 2014 Patrick Poppenborg, UBT, The Impact of socio-economic land-use decisions on ecosystem services in mountainous catchments in South Korea. Project: TERRECO, DFG

PhD theses (co-supervision)

  • 2014 Enrico Celio, ETH Zurich, Decision-making of land users and hydrological ecosystem services in Switzerland. Project: HydroServ, ETH Zurich, SNF (Main supervisor Prof. Adrienne Gret-Regamey, ETH Zurich)

  • 2014 Susann Trabert, UBT, The political ecology of climate change in South Korea. Project: TERRECO (Main supervisor: Prof. Dr. Detlef Müller-Mahn, UBT)

  • 2013 Laura de Baan, ETH Zurich, Global land use and its impact on biodiversity in the framework of Life Cycle Assessment. Project: myEcosystem, ETH Zurich (Main supervisor Prof S. Hellweg, ETH Zurich)

  • Bumsuk Seo, UBT, Bayesian statistical approaches for parameterization of landscape agricultural production models. Project: TERRECO (Main supervisor: Prof. Dr. John Tenhunen, UBT)

  • 2013 Sebastian Arnhold, UBT, Soil erosion and management measures in the Haean catchment of Korea. Project: TERRECO (Main supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bernd Huwe, UBT)

  • 2013 Michael Curran, ETH Zurich, International payments for biodiversity conservation: Application to export-driven agriculture in the Global South. Project: myEcosystem, ETH Zurich (Main supervisor Prof S. Hellweg, ETH Zurich)

  • Julia Brändle, ETH Zurich, Socio-economic impacts of changing ecosystem services in Swiss mountains. Project: Mountland, ETH Zurich (Main supervisor NN, ETH Zurich)

  • 2010 Raffaele Vignola, ETH Zurich and CATIE Costa Rica, Decision making concerning the management of ecosystem goods and services. The case of soil regulation services (SRS) for ecosystem-based adaptation in Costa Rica. Diss. ETH No. 19154 (Main supervisor Prof.  R.W. Scholz, ETH Zurich)

  • 2006 Joachim Sell, ETH Zurich, Decision making of market actors in the context of ecosystem services from tropical forests, Diss. ETH No. 16447 (Main supervisor Prof.  R.W. Scholz, ETH Zurich)

Master theses

  • 2023 Matteo Wolf, MSc. Geoökologie, Opportunities to improve the provision of habitat for biodiversity in intensively used agricultural landscapes (supervision with Andrea Kaim, UFZ)

  • 2023 Gabriela Vielma Reyes, MSc. GCE, Comparison of perception of citizens from Bavaria given of Ecosystem Services (ES) of grasslands in time (supervision with Thomas Schmitt, UBT)

  • 2022 Polina Bulygina, MSc. GCE, Preferences for agri-environmental schemes depending on perceptions of climate change and ecosystem services (supervision with Maria Hänsel, UBT)

  • 2022 Theresia Romann, MSc. GCE, Stated climate adaptation options from farmers, nature managers, forest managers, and citizens in Bavaria (supervision with Maria Hänsel, UBT)

  • 2022 Cornelia Schweickhardt, MSc. GCE, Green urban infrastructure for urban heat mitigation in Bavaria (supervision with Dr.-Ing. Claudia Hemmerle ( Lehrstuhl für Gebäudetechnologie und klimagerechtes Bauen, Fakultät für Architektur, TUM)

  • 2022 Alina von Randow, MSc. GCE, The land footprint of the Bavarian food and feed consumption and its impact on biodiversity loss (supervision with Dr. Thomas Kastner,  Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, Frankfurt am Main)

  • 2022 Juliane Schulz, MSc. Geoecology, Impact of future droughts on the provisioning of freshwater, food and feed and freshwater quality in the Main catchment, Bavaria, Germany (supervision with Dr. Luisa Hopp, UBT)

  • 2022 Carolin Wicke, MSc. GCE, Current status and future development of food self-sufficiency in Upper Franconia: A pathway towards a more sustainable food system? (supervision with Prof. Stefan Ouma, UBT)

  • 2022 Manuela Zindler, MSc. GCE, Designing agri-environmental schemes - New ideas from different groups of farmers and nature managers in Bavaria (supervision with Maria Hänsel, UBT)

  • 2021 Lisa Küchen, MSc. GCE, Where and why is landscape considered as 'valuable'? An analysis of societal actors' perceptions across Bavaria (supervision with Prof. Manuel Steinbauer, UBT)

  • 2021 Khalil Teber, MSc. GCE, Agricultural Heat Islands: A comparative investigation of cropland warming in Bavaria during the last two decades (supervision with Dr. Harald Zandler, UBT)

  • 2021 Theresa Landwehr, MSc. GCE, Climate change perceptions in Bavaria, Germany - Revealing the influence of societal and climatic factors (supervision with Prof. Manuel Steinbauer, UBT)

  • 2021 Taylor C. Blair, MSc. GCE, Comparing Bavarian Crop Yields from 1850s to Today (supervision with Prof. Johanna Pausch, UBT)

  • 2021 Alexander Lentge, MSc. GCE, Historical land use and cover classification in Bavaria using eCognition (supervision with Dr. Harald Zandler, UBT)

  • 2021 Jakob Bogenreuther, MSc. Geoecology, Biodiversity impacts of food waste: Quantification for supply chain stages and products in Germany (supervision with Dr. Thomas Kastner, Senckenberg Institute Frankfurt)

  • 2021 Miriam Thiemann, MSc. GCE, How societal actors perceive ecosystem services in Bavaria – A study along climate and land-use gradients (supervision with Prof. Dr. Manuel Steinbauer, UBT)

  • 2021 Aanu Busari, MSc. GCE, Assessing pollination service in Bavaria using the Invest Tool (supervision with Dr. Anja Jaeschke, UBT)

  • 2021 Anna Dietrich, MSc. Lebensmittel- und Gesundheitswissenschaften, Umweltwirkungen der Ernährung – Vergleich unterschiedlicher Ernährungsweisen in Deutschland (supervision with Maria Hänsel, UBT)

  • 2021 Swantje Gebhardt, MSc. GCE, Exploring local and global effects of increased soy cultivation in Bavaria with regard to land use change and ecosystem services (supervision with Dr. Nynke Schulp, Vrije University Amsterdam)

  • 2020 Cathrin Fütterer, MSc. GCE, Linking Biophysical and Social Assessments of
    Ecosystem Service Bundles in Bavaria (supervision together with Prof. Matthew Hannah, UBT)

  • 2020 Steven Myburgh, MSc. GCE, An integrated biophysical-ecosystem assessment of Israel's trade of agricultural crops with respect to embedded virtual waterflows (supervision together with Dr. Stephan Pfister, ETH Zurich)

  • 2020 Rina Piotrowski, MSc. Lebensmittel- und Gesundheitswissenschaften, Entwicklung einer regionalen, nachhaltigen und gesunden Ernährungsempfehlung für Bayern (supervision together with Prof. Dr. Eckhard Nagel, UBT)

  • 2020 Marit Scharrmann, MSc. GCE, Perception of Ecosystem Services in Alpine Grasslands (supervision together with Prof. Dr. Manuel Steinbauer, UBT)

  • 2020 Luzie Scheinpflug, MSc. GCE, Analysis of grassland conversion dynamics in Bavaria between 2005 and 2019 regarding the legal requirements of Article 3 (3) Bavarian Nature Protection Act (supervision together with Prof. Dr. Heinrich Wolff, UBT)

  • 2020 Torben Philip Sloth, MSc. Geoökologie, Patterns of nature-based tourism in Costa Rica (supervision together with Dr. Anna Cord, UFZ Leipzig)

  • 2020 Georg Smolka, MSc. GCE, Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of domestic water versus virtual blue water for agricultural production (supervision together with Dr. Markus Berger, TU Berlin)

  • 2019 Carla Madueno Floria, MSc GCE, Social valuation of ecosystem services provided by the Mariño watershed, Apurimac, Peru (supervision together with Prof. Dr. Rothfuß, UBT)

  • 2019 Lindsey Roche, MSc GCE, Evaluating ecosystem services in a cropland dominated watershed in the Midwestern United States (supervision together with Dr. Luisa Hopp, UBT)

  • 2019 Alicia Medina Valdiviezo, MSc GCE, Assessment of ecosystem services in Bavaria with InVEST​ (supervision together with Dr. Christina Bogner, UBT)

  • 2019 Farina Hoffmann, MSc GCE, The EU is a net importer of crucial micronutrients, sourcing malnourished regions (supervision together with Thomas Kastner, SBIK-F)

  • 2019 Rebekka Riebl, MSc GCE, Testing the insurance hypothesis: effects of green infrastructure on crop yield variability (supervision together with Dr. Christina Bogner, UBT)

  • 2019 Sun Hea Hong, MSc GCE, Analysis of spatial and temporal patterns of cultural ecosystem services of Bavaria by geo-tagged photographs from Flickr (supervision together with Dr. Volker Audorff, UBT and Heera Lee, KIT)

  • 2018 Schmitt, Thomas Michael, MSc GCE, Gaining a better understanding of farmers' grassland fertilization decisions: an agent-based modeling approach (supervision together with Dr. Britta Aufgebauer, UBT)

  • 2018 Michel, Elena Elke, MSc GCE, Ensuring water and food provisioning when coping with water scarcity and soil erosion: a case study of modelling a Mediterranean meso-scale watershed in the Oued Ourgha River Basin in the region of Taounate, Morocco (supervision together with Dr. Luisa Hopp, UBT)

  • 2017 Klingler, Maximilian, MSc Geoökologie, Untersuchung zu Auswirkungen von Dürreperioden auf den Nährstoffaustrag in Flüssen mit ArcSWAT (supervision together with Prof. Dr. Stefan Peiffer, UBT)

  • 2017 Walton, Craig, UBT, MSc GCE, Effect from grasland conversion on N, P and sediment output in surface waters. (supervision together with Dr. Luisa Hopp, UBT)

  • 2017 Perennes, Marie, UBT, MSc GCE, Using local ecosystem indicators to determine land use impacts on biodiversity: A case study in Baden-Württemberg (supervision together with Dr. Jan-Paul Lindner, Fraunhofer-Institut for Building Physics, Stuttgart)

  • 2017 Weber, Sarah, UBT, MSc Humangeographie, Raumrelevante Gesetze, Verordnungen und Verwaltungsvorschriften zum Management von Ökosystemleistungen in Bayern (supervision together with Prof. Dr. Heinrich Amadeus Wolff, UBT)

  • 2017 Stefanie Löcherer, UBT, MSc GCE, Wind power production in woodland areas – Special implications for local acceptance. (supervision together with Prof. Dr. Manfred Miosga, UBT)

  • 2016 Ervin Kosatica, UBT, MSc GCE, Comparison of the environmental impacts and electricity production potential of Zea mays, Silphium perfoliatum as inputs in biogas electricity production and solar panel electricity production using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). (supervision together with Dr. Pedro Gerstberger, UBT)

  • 2016 Tomas Sasko, UBT, MSc GCE, Survey of farmers in the Öko-Modellregion Steinwald about activities supporting ecosystem services from the point of view of an organic farmer. (supervision together with Prof. Dr. Franz X. Bogner, UBT)

  • 2016 Christian Rodrigues Peixoto Ferreira, UBT, MSc GCE, Patterns of the global trade with crops and changes between 1986-2013. (supervision together with Mag. Dr. Thomas Kastner, AlpenAdria University Klagenfurt)

  • 2016 Helen Sitar, UBT, MSc GCE, How to save the water when the coffee is gone: Modeling the delivery of ecosystem service in Colombia to identify agricultural alternatives in the face of climate change. (supervision together with Prof. Dr. Bernd Huwe, UBT)

  • 2016 Maria Haensel, UBT, MSc Geoecology, Emerging erosion risk in South-West Ethiopia; farmers preparedness and soil conservation strategies. (supervision together with Prof. Dr. Hans Hurni, University Bern)

  • 2015 Yrneh Zarit Ulloa Torrealba, UBT, MSc GCE, Development of provisioning ecosystem services at two times steps in Upper Franconia, Germany. (supervision together with Dr. Martin Wegmann, University Würzburg)

  • 2015 Marie-Luise Schiller, UBT, MSc GCE, The international import of timber products to Germany (1997-2013) and its ecological impacts in their country of origin. (supervision together with Dr. Christina Bogner, UBT)

  • 2015 Juan Nicolás Varela Fernández de Arcaya, UBT, MSc GCE, Germany’s green and blue water imports embedded in vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds from 1996-2012. (supervision together with Dr. Toni Meier, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU)

  • 2015 Michaela Deininger, UBT, MSc GCE, Ecosystem services of weddell sea MPA planning area. (supervision together with Prof. Dr. Thomas Brey, University of Bremen)

  • 2015 Nikolaus Scott McLachlan, UBT, MSc GCE, The modelled effect of increased agricultural imports into the European Union on the global provisioning of ecosystem services. (supervision together with Prof. Dr. Bernd Huwe, UBT)

  • 2014 Robert Weigel, UBT, MSc Geoecology, Time series of crop portfolios in Bavaria. (supervision together with Dr. Christina Bogner, Dr. Patrick Poppenborg, UBT)

  • 2014 Dominik Wiehl, UBT, MSc GCE, Assessing landscape aesthetics and other cultural ecosystem services in Saxony. (supervision together with Prof. Dr. Christoph Görg, Dr. Jennifer Hauck, UFZ)

  • 2014 Clarissa Mathieson, UBT, MSc GCE, Investigating the environmental impacts of the use of hydropower to provide balancing power in Europe. (supervision together with Prof. Dr. Anthony Patt, ETH Zürich)

  • 2014 Marius Hasenheit, UBT, MSc GCE, Systematizing pitfalls of green economy indicators. (supervision together with Prof. Manfred Miosga, UBT)

  • 2014 Christian Hardt, UBT, MSc GCE,  Evaluation of the effectiveness of greenhouse gas emission reduction policies, strategies and goals of european banks.  (supervision together with Prof. Olaf Weber, University of Waterloo)

  • 2013 Laura Sommer, UBT, MSc GCE, Valuation of ecosystem services with conjoint analysis in Southern Bavaria. (supervision together with Prof. Mario Larch, UBT)

  • 2013 Ahmad Huseynli, UBT, MSc GCE, Integration of ecosystem services concept in forestry sector of Azerbaijan. (supervision together with Prof. Dagmar Haase, HU Berlin)

  • 2013 Veronika John, UBT, MSc GCE, Comparative life cycle assessment of PTFE production and recycling. (supervision together with Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Gerdes, FAN, UBT)

  • 2013 Paul Schumacher, UBT, MSc GCE, Quantification of biomass in the Western Pamirs. (supervision together with Prof. Cyrus Samimi, UBT)

  • 2013 Philipp Gnoyke, UBT, MSc GCE, Large land acquisitions in East Africa: An examination of spatial dynamics through remote sensing. (supervision together with Dr. Martin Wegmann, University Würzburg)

  • 2013 Selina Titel, UBT, MSc Geoecology, Ecosystem services quantified with the InVEST tool in Haean catchment, South Korea. (supervision together with Prof. Huwe, UBT)

  • 2013 Ulrich Kreidenweis, UBT, MSc GCE, Regional vs. global: The question of sustainable food sourcing given that land is finite. (supervision together with Prof. Sven Lautenbach, University Bonn)

  • 2013 Tilman Splisteser, UBT, MSc GCE, Performance of SRI funds by market phases. (supervision together with Prof. Olaf Weber, University of Waterloo)

  • 2012 Philipp Möller, UBT, MSc GCE, Ecosystem services of urban green spaces in Berlin – Analysis of structure and function. (supervision together with Prof. Dagmar Haase, HU Berlin)

  • 2012 Luiz Horta, UBT, MSc GCE, Options for nutrient retention from agriculture in Haean watershed, South Korea, modelled with Landscape DNDC. (supervision together with Dr. Ralf Kiese, KIT Garmisch Partenkirchen)

  • 2012 Ignacio Bedoya, UBT, MSc GCE,  Drivers of change in the carbon budget of European forest ecosystems in face of climate change. Simulation using the model Biome-BGC. (supervision together with Dr. Hubert Jochheim, ZALF Müncheberg)

  • 2012 Sadra Alavi, UBT, MSc GCE,  Urban green space to provide local climate regulation. (supervision together with Dr. Martin Wegmann, University Würzburg)

  • 2012 Heera Lee, UBT, MSc GCE, Crop portfolio and income stability of farmers in Haean watershed, South Korea. (supervision together with Dr. Christina Bogner, UBT)

  • 2012 Nikola Stankovic, UBT, MSc GCE, Constructed wetlands as a solution to purify waste water? (supervision together with Prof. Dragan Povrenovic, University of Belgrade)

  • 2012 Nadiia Kayun, UBT, MSc GCE, Interrelations between supply and demand of ecosystem services in Europe. (supervision together with Prof. Ralf Seppelt, UFZ Leipzig and Patrick Poppenborg, UBT)

  • 2012 Grace Urena, UBT, MSc GCE, Ecological impacts of raw materials supply chains discussed on the LCA method. (supervision together with Prof. Rolf Steinhilper, Martin Süchting, UBT)

  • 2012 Andrea Früh, UBT, MSc GCE, Mapping the historical change for the demand for flood control between 1820 and today. (supervision together with Dr. Martin Wegmann, University Würzburg)

  • 2012 Carina Müller, UBT, MSc Geoecology, Biodiversity impact of land use in LCA: comparison of different milk production systems. (supervision together with Prof. Carl Beierkuhnlein, UBT)

  • 2011 Bunafsha Mislimshoeva, UBT, MSc GCE, Analysis of the Willingness to Participate in  “Saving Book Approach” for the reforestation of deserted former forest areas in the Pamirs. (supervision together with Prof. Cyrus Samimi, University Vienna)

  • 2011 Linda-Veronika Bastek, UBT, MSc GCE, Virtual land flows of China. (supervision together with Dr. Stefan Bringezu, Wuppertal Institut)

  • 2011 Sarah Niklas, UBT, MSc GCE, Using social network analysis to study adaptive capacity of actors engaged in CO2 sequestration policies in natural ecosystems in Northern Bavaria, Germany. (supervision together with Dr. Jörg Balsiger, ETH Zurich)

  • 2010 Hanna Skiba, UBT, MSc GCE, An International Review of Ecological Indicators in Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers. (supervision together with Dr. Irene Ring, UFZ Leipzig)

  • 2010 Janina Reibetanz, UBT, DA Geoökologie, The economic valuation of forest ecosystem services in Saxony - potentials and limitations of the benefit transfer application. (supervision together with Dr. Irene Ring, UFZ Leipzig)

  • 2010 Siyka Georgieva Gosheva, UBT, MSc GCE, Comparative Assessment of International Payments for Ecosystem Services (IPES). (supervision together with Dr. Irene Ring, UFZ Leipzig)

Bachelor theses

  • 2016 Janis Schiffner, UBT, BA Geographische Entwicklungsforschung Afrikas, Is small beautiful? Die Feldgröße als Indikator für Ökosystemleistungen in Agrarökosystemen.

  • 2016 Lisa Maschke, UBT, BA Geographische Entwicklungsforschung Afrikas, Die Verbreitung von Trockenmilchpulver in Afrika: eine Untersuchung von Ursachen und Folgen.

  • 2015 Sina Taubmann, UBT, BA Geographische Entwicklungsforschung Afrikas, Land- und Wasserressourcenverbrauch der globalen Nahrungsmittelproduktion.

  • 2012 Cornelius Jopke, UBT, BA Geoökologie, Correlation of ecosystem services in Europe. (supervision together with Dr. Jürgen Kreyling, UBT)
  • 2010 Ulrich Kreidenweis, UBT, BA Geoökologie, Möglichkeiten der biologischen CO2-Speicherung unter Berücksichtigung von Biodiversität und Wasserschutz – Fallstudie im Quellgebiet Marktschorgast der Stadtwerke Kulmbach. (supervision together with Prof. Björn Reinking, UBT)

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