Ongoing projects
2023-2027: Climate resilient alpine wine orchards (RESPOnD), (WP1) Mapping Alpine Wine Orchards: ecosystem services & climate impacts. Financed by the EU Interreg Alpine Space Programme 2021-2027.
2022-2025: Sustainable use of alpine and pre- alpine grassland soils in a changing climate (SUSALPS III), financed by BMBF funding scheme: "Soil as a Sustainable Resource for the Bioeconomy – BonaRes" as part of the National Research Strategy BioEconomy 2030
2022-2024: Ecosystem services, biodiversity and anthropogenic capital embedded in internationally traded goods (sTradES). iDiv working group
2020-2024: Rhizosphere traits enhancing crop resolience to drought in modern cropping systems (Rhizotraits) – RhizoHistory (WP6) financed by BMBF funding scheme: "Soil as a Sustainable Resource for the Bioeconomy – BonaRes" as part of the National Research Strategy BioEconomy 2030
2024-2027: Rhizo4Bio (Phase 2): RhizoTraits – Rhizosphärenmerkmale erhöhen die Resilienz der Erträge in modernen Anbausystemen (Rhizosphere traits increase the resilience of yields in modern cropping systems), TP A financed by BMBF funding scheme
Finalized projects
2018-2023: Effects of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem services in semi-natural, agricultural and urban landscapes and strategies for management of climate change (LandKlif) – Modeling and valuation of ecosystem services under climate change (WP9). BayKlif Programm, finanziert durch das Bayerische Staatsministerium für Bildung und Kultus, Wissenschaft und Kunst
2018-2023: Influence of multiple stressors on watercourses in climate change (AquaKlif) – Climate Change in Bavaria: Water Quality and Sustainable Agriculture (WP6). BayKlif Programm, finanziert durch das Bayerische Staatsministerium für Bildung und Kultus, Wissenschaft und Kunst
2018-2021: Sustainable use of alpine and pre- alpine grassland soils in a changing climate (SUSALPS II)- Socio-Economy (WP5), financed by BMBF funding scheme: "Soil as a Sustainable Resource for the Bioeconomy – BonaRes" as part of the National Research Strategy BioEconomy 2030
2017-2020: MedWater – Sustainable management of politically and economically highly relevant water resources in hydraulically, climatically and ecologically highly dynamic carbonate groundwater aquifers of the Mediterranean. GROW Program, financed by BMBF >> more information
2017-2018: Integrated agent based modeling for social-economic-ecological decision support of agricultural landscapes for profitability, resilience and sustainability with the advanced LandscapeDNDC model (AgentDNDC). BIOTIP Program, financed by BMBF
2016-2017: sTeleBES - Telecoupled use of biodiversity and ecosystem services: synthesis of concepts, methods and evidence. iDiv working group >> more information
2015-2018: Sustainable use of alpine and pre- alpine grassland soils in a changing climate (SUSALPS), financed by BMBF funding scheme: "Soil as a Sustainable Resource for the Bioeconomy – BonaRes" as part of the National Research Strategy BioEconomy 2030 >> more information
2013-2016: Linking farmland biodiversity to ecosystem services for effective ecological intensification (LIBERATION), financed by the European Union FP7 >> more information
2009-2014: Securing the Conservation of biodiversity across Administrative Levels and spatial, temporal, and Ecological Scales (SCALES), financed by EU 7th >> more information (Christoph Schröter-Schlaack, Topic: Biodiversity and ecosystem services in the intergovenrmental fiscal transfer)
2011-2013: Accounting of Ecosystem Services and Policy Recommendations, TEEB project by Ifuplan Munich, ETH Zurich and University of Bayreuth, financed by BfN >> more information
2010-2014: Remote sensing for ecosystem services, financed by UBT (PhD student >> Yohannes Ayanu)
2009-2015: Complex Terrain and Ecological Heterogeneity (TERRECO): Evaluating ecosystem services in production versus water yield and water quality in mountainous landscapes, financed by DFG >> More information (PhD student >> Patrick Poppenborg, Topic: Impact of Socio-Economic Land-Use Decisions on Ecosystem Services)
2010-2013: Vulnerability of hydrological ecosystem services - Integrative analysis under changes of climate and socio-economy with an emphasis on adaptation (HydroServ), financed by Swiss National Foundation SNF >> More information (PhD student >> Enrico Celio, Topic: Decision-making and hydrological ecosystem services)
2009-2013: Assessing and Compensating the Ecosystem Impacts of Agricultural Products in the North-South Context (myEcosystem), financed by CHIRP ETH Zurich >> More information (external PhD student >> Laura de Baan, Topic: Impacts of land use on biodiversity in life cycle assessment)
2010-2012: Development and application of environmental Life Cycle Impact assessment Methods for imProved sustAinability Characterisation of Technologies (LC-IMPACT), financed by EU 7th >> More information (Postdoc Daniella Maia de Souza, Topic: Impacts of land use on functional biodiversity in LCA)
2008-2011: Sustainable land-use practices in mountain regions: Integrative analysis of ecosystem dynamics under global change, socio-economic impacts and policy implications (MOUNTLAND), financed by CCES-ETH Zurich >> More information (external PhD student >> Julia Brändle: Topic: Socio-economic impacts of changing ecosystem services)
2008-2011: Operational Characterization Factors for Land use Impacts on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in the Life-Cycle Impact Assessment (LULCIA) – Compatible with the Framework of the UNEP-SETAC Life Cycle Initiative, financed by UNEP >> More information (coordination of project)
2003-2006: Supply and Demand for Ecosystem Services from Tropical Forestry, financed by ETH-ZIL