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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences

Professorship of Ecological Services (PES) – Prof. Dr. Thomas Koellner

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Open Positions​ (updated: November 28, 2024)

Please send your CV, publications and short letter of motivation, when you are interested in a PhD/postdoc position dealing with ecosystem services. Scholarships for foreign researcher are possible via the Humboldt Foundation  or the German Academic Exchange Service. Currently following positions are open:

Researcher position(s):

Geodatenmanagement / Geo Data Management

Hiwi jobs on ecosystem services
  • We are searching for 1-2 Hiwis supporting our research on socio-ecological modelling of ecosystem services. Depending on your knowledge and interest you would help with data preparation, model setup, or preparation of stakeholder workshops. Methods are depending on the task, but are in principle R, GIS, SWAT and/or Netlogo. Potentially this work can also lead into a master thesis. 
  • Extent: up to one year with max 60 hours per month, starting April 2023 
  • Please send an email to thomas.koellner@uni-bayreuth.de with a short CV and statement of interest. Details of the job can be then discussed in person. 

Webmaster: Univ.Prof.Dr. Thomas Köllner

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