Team > Sylvia Helena Annuth
Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Department of Earth Science
- Since 03/2023: Research Associate at the Professorship of Ecological Services, University of Bayreuth (SusAlps Project)
- 2019-2023: M.Sc Student Umweltgeographie und -managent (Environmental Geographie and management) at the CAU Kiel
- 2021: Internship at the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt) (commission for national and international environmental reporting)
- 2015-2019: B.Sc Geographie Student at the University of Hamburg
- 2019: Internship at the Stadtreinigung Hamburg (Central Administration)
Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Department of Earth Science
Current research:
The probably most important ecosystem services are influenced by agriculture. Within the SusAlps project I try to understand, how farmers land-use decision on (sub-) alpine grasslands are regulated by policy measures and climate change and its linkage to ecosystem services. Therefore, an agent-based model will be used to combine biophysical, spatial and socio-economic data.
Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Department of Earth Science
Sylvia Helena Annuth
Research Associate
University Bayreuth
Zapf Building - House 4, Office 2.15
Nürnbergerstr. 38
95447 Bayreuth
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4644