Decision-makers from regional to global scales do shape the supply and the demand for ecosystem services. With this research we want to investigate how the decision-making is influenced by perceptions of ecosystem services as well as by climate change, markets and policies. In this context we analyse how ecosystem services are considered in German environmental law.
2022-2025: Sustainable use of alpine and pre- alpine grassland soils in a changing climate (SUSALPS III), financed by BMBF funding scheme: "Soil as a Sustainable Resource for the Bioeconomy – BonaRes" as part of the National Research Strategy BioEconomy 2030
2018-2021: Sustainable use of alpine and pre- alpine grassland soils in a changing climate (SUSALPS II)- Socio-Economy (WP5), financed by BMBF funding scheme: "Soil as a Sustainable Resource for the Bioeconomy – BonaRes" as part of the National Research Strategy BioEconomy 2030
2015-2018: Sustainable use of alpine and pre- alpine grassland soils in a changing climate (SUSALPS), financed by BMBF funding scheme: "Soil as a Sustainable Resource for the Bioeconomy – BonaRes" as part of the National Research Strategy BioEconomy 2030
2010-2013: Vulnerability of hydrological ecosystem services - Integrative analysis under changes of climate and socio-economy with an emphasis on adaptation (HydroServ), financed by Swiss National Foundation SNF >> more information
2009-2013: Complex Terrain and Ecological Heterogeneity (TERRECO): Evaluating ecosystem services in production versus water yield and water quality in mountainous landscapes, financed by DFG >> more information
2008-2011: Sustainable land-use practices in mountain regions: Integrative analysis of ecosystem dynamics under global change, socio-economic impacts and policy implications (MOUNTLAND), financed by CCES-ETH Zurich >> more information
Main publications
Zindler, M., Haensel, M., Fricke, U., Schmitt, T.M., Tobisch, C., Koellner, T., 2023. Improving Agri-environmental Schemes: Suggestions from Farmers and Nature Managers in a Central European Region. Environmental Management.
Landwehr, T., Riebl, R., Haensel, M., Schmitt, T.M., Thiemann, M., Koellner, T., 2023. Climate change perceptions in Bavaria: Revealing the influence of socio-demographic and local environmental factors. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 32, 312–321.
Küchen, L., Schmitt, T.M., Riebl, R., Hänsel, M., Fricke, U., Redlich, S., Koellner, T. 2023. Where and why is landscape considered valuable? Societal actors’ perceptions of ecosystem services across Bavaria (Germany). Ecosystems and People 19 (1) 2192813
Thiemann, M., Riebl, R., Haensel, M., Schmitt, T.M., Steinbauer, M.J., Landwehr, T., Fricke, U., Redlich, S., Koellner, T., 2022. Perceptions of ecosystem services: Comparing socio-cultural and environmental influences. PLoS ONE 17, e0276432.
Schmitt, T.M., Riebl, R., Martín-López, B., Hänsel, M., Koellner, T., 2022. Plural valuation in space: mapping values of grasslands and their ecosystem services. Ecosystems and People 18, 258–274.
Schmitt, T., Martín-López, B., Kaim, A., Früh-Müller, A. and Koellner, T. (2021) Ecosystem services from (pre-)Alpine grasslands: Matches and mismatches between citizens’ perceived suitability and farmers’ management considerations. Ecosystem Services, 49.
Hartmann, H., Hänsel, M., Riebl, R., Lohse, E. und Koellner, T. (2021) Volksbegehren Artenvielfalt : Gesetzesänderungen können auch Ökosystemdienstleistungen in Bayerns Agrarlandschaften stärken. Gaia, 30, 106-113.
Früh-Müller, A., Bach, M., Breuer, L., Hotes, S., Koellner, T., Krippes, C., and Wolters, V. (2019). The use of agri-environmental measures to address environmental pressures in Germany: Spatial mismatches and options for improvement. Land Use Policy, 84, 347–362.
Koellner, T., Stefan, A.-M., und Wolff, H. A. (2018). Zur Einführung des Begriffs der Ökosystemdienstleistungen in das Bundesnaturschutzgesetz. Zeitschrift f. Umweltrecht, 1–12.
Lee, S., Kim, H., Nguyen, T., Koellner, T., and Shin, H.-J. (2018). Farmers’ and Consumers’ Preferences for Drinking Water Quality Improvement through Land Management Practices: The Case Study of the Soyang Watershed in South Korea. Sustainability, 10(5), 1419.
Lee H, C Bogner, S Lee and T Koellner (2016): Crop selection under price and yield fluctuation: Analysis of agro-economic time series from South Korea. Agricultural Systems 148: 1–11. Abstract
Lee, S., Nguyen, T., Poppenborg, P., Shin, H.-J., and Koellner, T. (2016). Conventional, Partially Converted and Environmentally Friendly Farming in South Korea: Profitability and Factors Affecting Farmers’ Choice. Sustainability, 8(8), 704.
Mislimshoeva, B., Herbst, P., and Koellner, T. (2016). Current pathways towards good forest governance for ecosystem services in the former Soviet republic Tajikistan. Forest Policy and Economics, 63, 11–19.
Mislimshoeva B, R Hable, M Fezakov, C Samimi, A Abdulnazarov and T Koellner (2014): Factors Influencing Households' Firewood Consumption in the Western Pamirs, Tajikistan. Mountain Research and Development 34: 147-156. Abstract and pdf (open access)
Poppenborg P & T Koellner (2014): A Bayesian network approach to model farmers' crop choice using socio-psychological measurements of expected benefits from ecosystem services. Environmental Modelling & Software 57: 227-234. Abstract and pdf
Celio E, T Koellner and A Grêt-Regamey (2014): Modeling land use decisions with Bayesian networks: spatially explicit analysis of driving forces on land use change. Environmental Modelling & Software 52: 222-233. Abstract and pdf
Nguyen T T, T Koellner, Q Bao Le, C C Lambini, I-c Choi, H-j Shin and V D Pham (online): The economics of degraded forest rehabilitation with native tree species: A case study of Vietnamese farmers. Biodiversity and Conservation DOI 10.1007/s10531-014-0635-4. Abstract and pdf
Mislimshoeva B, C Samimi, J Kirchhoff and T Koellner (2013): Analysis of costs and people's willingness to enroll in forest rehabilitation in Gorno Badakhshan, Tajikistan. Forest Policy and Economics 37: 75-83. Abstract and pdf
Poppenborg P and T Koellner (2013): Do environmental attitudes determine agricultural crop choice? An analysis of farmers’ land use decision-making with respect to ecosystem services in a South Korean watershed. Land Use Policy 31: 422-429. Abstract and pdf
Vignola R, T Koellner, R Scholz and T McDaniels (2010): Decision making by farmers regarding ecosystem services: factors affecting soil conservation efforts in Costa Rica. Land Use Policy 27: 1132-1142. Abstract and pdf
Koellner T, J Sell and G Navarro (2010): Why and how much are firms willing to invest in ecosystem services from tropical forests? A comparison of international and Costa Rican firms. Ecological Economics 69: 2127-2139. Abstract and pdf
Koellner T, J Sell, M Gahwiler and R Scholz (2008): Assessment of the management of organizations supplying ecosystem services from tropical forests. Global Environmental Change 18: 746–757. Abstract and pdf
Sell J, T Koellner, O Weber, W Proctor, L Pedroni and R W Scholz (2007): Ecosystem services from tropical forestry projects – The choice of international market actors. Journal of Forest Policy and Economics 9: 496-515. Abstract and pdf
Sell J, T Koellner, O Weber, L Pedroni and R W Scholz (2006): Decision criteria of European and Latin American market actors for tropical forestry projects providing environmental services. Ecological Economics 58: 17-36. Abstract and pdf